1. This board is for the discussion of everything Pokemon franchise related. This means the mainstream games, the spin-off games, fangames, the Pokemon anime and any spin-offs, the Pokemon manga, Pokemon fanart, fakemon, fakemon projects, etc...
2. This is a blue board. This means that posting furry porn and porn of trainers is not allowed. Furry porn belongs on
>>>/trash/, and porn for trainers belongs on various boards such as
>>>/e/ and
>>>/h/. Boards such as
>>>/cm/ ,
>>>/u/ ,
>>>/y/ , and
>>>/hm/ are also options. Posting trainer dumps is allowed so long as it is blue-board appropriate.
3. Check the catalog before making a thread where a general exists for it. There do not need to be 20 threads in the catalog all asking for friend safari's when a single friend safari general would suffice. This is not to say that everything belongs in a general, but use common sense when making a thread on whatever topic you so choose to discuss.