>>49818052I've played Pokemon on emulator for more than 10 years, and recently I hacked my 3DS so I could re-play Renegade Platinum on it
Even though I'm playing Platinum, my following criticism still stands: The touch screen is underused in DP(Pt)
Want to fly somewhere? Well, use the D-Pad to select a city on the map, because the map is on the top screen
Want to organize your pokemon? Well, use the D-Pad to select them like it's still a game with 1 screen, because the pokemon list and boxes are on the top screen
Want to go through the items in your bag? Well, use the D-Pad, and if you want to scroll faster just spin the giant pokeball on the touch screen, because the actual items are still on the top screen
And DP came out like 2 years after the DS launched, clearly they were still getting used to having 2 screens and using them to their fullest potential. Thankfully this is no longer a problem in the following games