>>46928810Snowpoint Update
>After beating Crasher Wake, make my way to Celestia City>Easily curbstomp Cyrus in front of an old lady in the ruins>After catching a few more shitmons, make my way to Canalave City>Sycorax evolves into Dusclops somewhere along the way>proves his worth in his first evolved battle against Barry in Canalave>A very stressfull battle full of close calls, Sycorax beat two, legit would've been sweeped without him>go train in the Iron Island>catch a Steelix, thanks no dupes rule>Beat everything in the Island with the m'lady fedora furfag Riley>tries to give me an egg>lol sorry no space>never going back for the furry egg, you can fuck off>go the Canalave Gym>absolutely destroy Byron. Titan the Gabite easily destroyes Magneton with Dig, Swap to Io to Surf Steelix>get spooked when the Bastiodon tanks a Surf and uses Metal Burst but Io survives>switch to Ymir who finishes the job with frog martial arts>Team Galactic explodes a bomb in the lakes>Visit the Lakes, slap both Mars and Saturn with no casualties>Mt. Coronet time>evolve Helique the Bidoof for it to become the ultimate HM Slave>Fight my way through the treacherous snow routes, catching a few decent mons and beating up everything>Thinking of adding Proteus the Sneasel to the team>check Grip Claw location>welcome Phoebe the Swinub to the team>evolves into Mamoswine shortly after a short trip to Pastoria's beaches to search for Heart Scales>also I dumped two random pokémon in the DaycareGonna grind Phoebe a bit to get her up to speed with the rest, boxing Titan because I'm letting a Gabite anywhere near an Ice Gym, then I'm slapping Candice's titties (also insurance in case I get wiped out)