>>40795691Now that I've meditated on it, It's time for the thread's official review of SM.
SM isn't bad. Many people are quick to call SM BW 2.0, however the only thing SM and BW have in common is weak writing. Unlike BW, SM actually had payoffs to the things it set up. Albeit boring ones, it was payoff no less. The tragedy of SM is that it had great things going for it, but never reaches it's full potential for fear of straying too far from the yokai watch audience. So every single arc rings hollow. The only truly bad thing about SM is that SM could never live up to what it could've been. That final blast in Ash vs Kukui where Ash becomes a shonen protag again was orgasmic. Where had it been?
SM excels at Ash's interaction with the characters. The cast are extremely boring and one note, but when bouncing off Ash they create fun and touching stories. If only SM fleshed out the base character. seems PM is avoiding this mistake. SM was okay with potential for greatness. Won't miss it.