Christ, these things take forever. Was a lot of fun, though! And proved to be really good art practice. I came out looking a bit stumpy but eh.
The Deino was a gift from my own parents when I went out on my little journey, and the Mudkip was a gift from Professor Birch after I joined him. The two were fast friends, though while Mudkip eventually became a hulking, macho, ruff 'n' tuff Swampert, the Deino was a total wuss and is the biggest dopiest excuse for a Hydreigon to ever exist. But I love the damn thing and it's great to have around. All of my team and my reserves have nicknames, but I accidentally deleted the spots for them and was too far along to want to bother with fixing it.
Kecleon is my ever-present shouldermon that doesn't partake in battle. Its name is Pierre, and he's a riot. And despite Swampert and Hydreigon being my "starters" I'd say the "signature pokemon", if I have one, of my battling team would be Darmanitan.
>>22742564Fuck you now I want tacos, also you've got a rad team with cool reserves. Walrein's a killer (and I like the nickname). And a very interesting choice of starter! 9/10
>>22740733Did you make that sprite yourself? It's really cool, yo. And the TCG art for all your Pokemon is beautiful. But why no Pokedex, bud? 8/10
>>22740501I chuckled at your edge, 420/666