pic related is OC from an older fakemon thread; I rate it MapleStory/10 but want to know what others think
>>26946369>>26946384Pretty cool concepts but the first could maybe do more to not be literally my mom's tooth
>>26946607Basic stage is cute/10; first stage is Lumineon-Goldeen/10
>>26947044Royal as fuck
>>26947067Not what I'd want for a Cutiefly evo at all, but cute nonetheless
would train>>26948912Conceptually cool
>>26951966>>26951988Yu-gi-oh/10 to be honest fampai
>>26952057Would absolutely train
>>26953464Basic and first are nice but the last one is literally my mom's peacock
>>26953583>>26953596Actually not my mom's opossums /10. Impossom not being Normal/Dark likely for the sake of "unpredictability" irks the hell out of me though.
>>26954482I LOVE IT.