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ITT: Day Dreamer and I giveaway Expresso the shiny Delibird!
>Wait just one minute there, what???
Jolly, Shiny, Dream Ball, 6IV Delibirds holding random items!
All infected with Pokérus these Delibird carry one of 6 random items. Either a comet shard, a master ball, choice specs, choice band, choice scarf, or a life orb.
Move set:
>Seed Bomb
>Gunk Shot
>Ice Punch
>6 HP
>252 ATK
>252 SPD
Does it matter? Nearly free stuff here, anon.
It's the holiday season and we feel like sharing here.
>Oh ok. How many?
100. We have 100 Delibirds, we may clone more, we may not, it depends on how we do on time. We plan on stopping at 12am EST at the latest unless Day Dreamer wants to keep going.
>How do I get this caffeinated carrier?
Simple, just upload a Zubat on to the GTS asking for a (and this is important anons) level 100 female Delibird with the message DAY DREAMER. Then, reply to this post (or any update post) with the level of your Zubat (it makes things easier for us in finding you, the GTS can be weird sometimes).
Now we aren't that fast but we'll do our best to comb over every GTS requests and deliver as much as we can. We haven't been at this in awhile
We appreciate patience. Happy Holidays /VP/!
Exspresso drinks espresso to express enthusiasm and excitement as every anon enjoys free equipment!