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ITT: Close calls or times when you've actually been so excited about a battle or capture that you've yelled out loud about it while playing.
>earlier today
>playing Emerald
>have Combusken, Swellow, Breloom and Electrike, all below level 25
>facing Wattson for like the fifth time after repeatedly losing before my Shroomish evolved
>get to his Manectric with just my Combusken and Breloom left
>they're both paralyzed
>I only have one normal revive and no HP or status-restoring items
>use Breloom's Stun Spore to paralyze Manectric
>start spamming Mach Punch
>he spams Shock Wave
>it's close
>start getting frustrated because I keep getting the "can't move" thing
>literally shout out "GODDAMNIT" and "FUCK" a bunch of times while my mom is in the other room (chill out, I'm 19)
>have exactly 1 HP left
>finally land a hit, not sure if it will end Manectric
>see it go down