Quoted By:
age 7
>everyone talks about this new TV show called Pokemon and I dont have idea what it is.
>kids always watched Dragon Ball Z before, which I wasn't allowed to watch for its violence. I assumed Pokémon was a new DBZ: another series with blood, violence and more days of social exclusion.
>One day finally find the Bulbasaur episode on TV. Watched secretely and loved it since then.
age 8
>kids are fucking crazy for pokémon. The fever had already started. It was HAPPENING. T-shirts, albums, snacks, cereals, EVERYTHING had ASH and Pikachu slapped on it.
>I was a fan like any other and my parents actually allowed me to watch this. Not socially excluded anymore and made lots of pokéfriends
>one day some friend tells me there is a pokémon videogame
>best not be trolling.png.jpg.gif.exe
>ask my dad every day and night for a "GameBoy"
>family was getting into financial problems and we were getting poor as fuck very rapidly, so no gameboy, but got some fake TCG cards and made even more friends. I was one of the popular guys for fuck's sake.
>I asked Santa, fairies, god, every to give me a gameboy. I was obsessed with it. No result of course.
age 9 to 10
>we are so poor we have to move to another, poorer city
>kids here play in the dust (third world country) and are literally retarded.
>but they had pokémon cards and knew about the show. I was that new "rich" guy from the capital who was a pro at the TCG. Super popular again. And nobody had a GameBoy so I wasnt excluded. Learnt to pirate games and emulate from neighbors. Fucking neat.
age 11 to 14
>high school starts
>I dont know anyone
>everyone is edgy, pokémon is suddenly shit
>no friends, pretend to hate pokémon but secretely kept emulating gen 3. I discovered many guys did the samebut never mentioned it
age 15
>so fucking poor we escape and moved to 1st world country
>family earns enough money, can afford a DS
>no friends, but I have the internet
23 now, I buy my own games and will never stop