Lucked my way though Mars by dodging a Toxic. In hindsight, I should've given Monferno a Pecha Berry.
Caught Buneary in Eterna Forest and I'm realizing that there's not much variety here. I miss Misdreavus/Murkrow. I got another rare Berry encounter which is crazy but unfortunately it's Timid. I'll still try to use it, at least for Fantina, but it might get replaced. Probably before it becomes a Lopunny. I need more team members since I'm refusing to level up Budew. Still holding out on an Aipom or Burmy from a Honey Tree but the odds aren't in my favor. I'll use the Honey Tree time to try to make a template. I'm still trying to decide whether to use my Valley Windworks encounter for Honey or Drifloon.
>>55707384I've seen Butterfree solo brock before. It's harder in FR/LG but Geodude doesn't have Rock Tomb so you can set up Hardens on it and tank Onix's hits.
>>55708398Lots of people have a rule for the regular games where if you don't have a pokemon that can learn an HM you're allowed to catch one purely for progressing the game. I assume that could apply to randomizers as well.
>>55708275You already have a champion-caliber team. I'd teach Electrode Blizzard personally but you can take your time with it.