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So now that we've seen the signature moves, do you think they'll be useful competitively?
Spirit Shackle I can see used as an anti-taunt mean look, but how many times do you see mean look in competitive play other than on meme sets?
Darkest Lariat could be good if Incineroar is fast enough going against baton pass teams or those who have boosted their defense. I can definitely see this one being used if it has a high enough base power.
Sparkling Aria I can only see used against Guts+Flame Orb/variant opponents since it would cut their attack boost, but at the end of the turn it would re-burn the opponent, so it would only work if Primarina is faster, which isn't likely. If you're in doubles/triples, then you're better off using Aromatherapy since Sparkling Aria does damage.