Really tough to pick only three, but here’s just a few of my many favorites
>>46755206You seem kinda chill, but with an edgy side
>>46755231with good but uncommon tastes, I think you’re a major nerd even beyond Pokemon, and you really like experiencing your journeys with as many different bros as possible
>>46755277chill, soft, outdoorsy person. You love hugs, gaming, and gardening.
>>46755281Introvert, likes animals, potentially believes in aliens or just likes stargazing
>>46755286STEM major, maybe computer science. You like underdogs. Your favorite areas in videogames balance between deserts and high tech, so you’d probably love Skyward Sword’s Lanayru Desert with all its high tech time travel stuff and the desert factory dungeon
>>46755294you started with Ruby version, and you’re a generally quiet person but gets really loud and passionate on rare occasions. You also have several fun facts up your sleeve.
>>46761114You like using your opponent’s strength against them. You’re a very defensive person, but also very flexible and fun-loving. Change is no problem for you, and you like taking on challenges.
>>46760778You’re a little edgy, you love rock and techno music, and you like traveling
>>46760749You’re a cool and chill person. Laid back, without being boring. Perhaps you’re a teacher? Also, you’re a bit of a videogame collector.
>>46760637>>46756029Easiest to read in the thread. You two hate fun and are both emotionally stunted/frustrated, and have never been laid.