i return to fulfill grading desires.
>>43483417>b>can you guess the theme?something something deception/confusion. i like it for the mons' known qualities.
>>43483525>b-be an interesting roadside encounter, biker joe.
>>43483554>ait's upsetting how good they all look together and how well this would actually play. unironically, good job.
>>43483633>bnice coverage and an interesting crowd. i like it.
>>43483890>astrong theme, could be a champ-tier team or post-game. i guess kingler would've been a downgrade from those, but nidoking/nidoqueen might've been a good fit too in place of vespiquen. or wailord just for giggles.
>>43484029>bmostly graceful without being insufferably gay. replace bottom right with milotic and the grade goes up.
>>43484173>aendgame. strong, diverse, and aesthetic. good.
>>43484207>cthe top row has something in common, but the bottom trails off, and seeing the red sprite next to raichu looks wrong.
>>43484253>bthis seems like the kind of team you would take on some grand, fun, thrilling adventure, relying on celebi to keep everyone alive and well when you get into a pinch. it's got an air of nostalgia.
>>43486494>b+a knight's order in the world of pokemon sounds cool. what would be that group's goal? safe-guarding secrets about pokemon? safe-guarding a legendary?
>>43486511>f(urry)>the nerd, the hero, the underdog, the chad, the fat one, and the girlfursona: the card. i can't unsee it. i mean, it's thematic, consistent, and even has coverage, but it's also very gay. very very gay.
>>43488006>aswap out gengar with haunter and sunflora with victreebel and that was one of my teams. kino.
>>43488035>you must be 18+ years of age to post here>bit's edgy shit, but in a good way.
>>43488428literally just saw this pop up as i was going to hit submit.
>fabsolute disaster, a travesty. what an unpleasant combination.