Quoted By:
"There. Petie, don't you agree my baby looks precious like this?"
The teddiursa nodded to Agnetha's question, then his eyes seemed to light up with curiosity. "Auntie, what's dat pokemon?"
Of course Petie knew what a Flabébé was. He was an academy student after all, just because a species was native to a different region didn't mean he wouldn't know of it. But putting his best histrionics to good (or evil) use, the little bear faked ignorance with the best "cute little innocent child" act he had pulled in a while, probably even better than the acts he used to get free candy during his "little mischievous beggar" phase, all with a single purpose: to keep Nick's mother distracted.
"Sweetie, that's a Flabébé, a very little fairy Pokémon that normally lives in another region. And it's as little and cute as you two are~!" the miltank cooed, pinching her son's cheeks as she spoke, much to the larvitar's chagrin.
Nick wanted to protest. This was going way overboard for what he thought was just a revenge prank. Not only he was now diapered, he had been forced to ask his mother for the girliest overalls the store had short of an actual dress, and he would now have to wear it for the rest of the day. As if that wasn't enough Mommy, forgetful as usual, neglected to close the crotch flap of his overalls, making the diaper stick out in all its poofy glory, and he was about to remind her when his torturer made his move, putting Mommy into her most absorbed state of smothering in which the chances of her actually listening to him were dead.
Nick just groaned and sighed, hoping this wouldn't get any lower in the scale of dignity for him.
"...and did you know it clings to a flower for the rest of its life? Just like my baby clings to Mommy whenever he's scared or needy~!"
He might as well have abandoned said hope.