>>57447399Oh, this takes me back to the time when I started the trend of OCs commenting on other OCs around this time last year. I think Alex mostly still stands by what was written back then, but maybe there could be a few changes. I am not looking forward to writing tasks because they are ultimately just distractions from my main work and oftentimes yield little to no responses, and I am ALREADY distracted from Black Blaze with another thing. But I am going to write out a first-person POV of that post at some point. Maybe I might remaster the old one as well.
I have new writing almost ready to go. It's not what you would expect but it's a look into an aspect of Alex that I haven't really explored yet. I've also been focusing on a personal writing thing (not original content/series). I don't know if I will post it, if I do, it will probably just be a temporary link because I don't want to ruin the thread with my emotions again. It's not something that I planned on doing, but it's probably something that I needed to come to at some point in my life. It's kind of like the "Fae Mood" but instead of making you giddy it just makes you dive into negative emotions... but in a different way. And it's something that I need to get done as a first priority even if it's distracting me from Black Blaze. I just hope that I don't get into a habit of this. And it's not a journal, in case you were wondering
>>57451902>>57451918>I was going to hold off on checking out the threads until after the Presents since I wanted to take a few days to focus on other things, but I'm glad the urge to peep it caught me.Yeah, same. I wanted to continue the conversation from last thread, but honestly, with our odds of getting buried, I'm not sure that it would be the best time
>Shit week ahead of meEvery week is a shit week these days. I have a project that I haven't started and a math test that I am not looking forward to
>>57446976The Picrew I used for this one is now defunct, unfortunately