Quoted By:
>5 new routes to explore
>seven sages quest
>new areas and Pokemon to catch in Dreamyard and Relic Castle
>challenger's cave
>giant chasm and kyurem
>stronger elite 4 with new champion
>two rival rematches with full teams and held items
>cynthia battle
>morimoto battle
>royal unova
>nimbasa stadiums
>abyssal ruins to explore
Why do people say that BW had no postgame? The only reason it seemed lacking was because it came out right after Platinum and HGSS.
XY have almost nothing to do, only one postgame city, legendaries are sitting in empty rooms, the friend safari is just a square patch of grass, the Battle Maison leaders have weak or uninspired teams, restaurants have the exact same weak pokemon every time, the elite 4 is the same, and there's virtually no strong trainers to battle. The Looker Quest, a lame rival battle and inverse battles are the only thing to do besides breeding and grinding once you've beaten the game.