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Simplified Crawglock's move set for the benefit of the AI. Also uses less TM moves which are cheap this early in the game.
Anvelid's moveset is more defined. He sets up hazards. I considered giving it Dig instead of Headbutt, but that seemed like it made things too easy for the player considering how slow the worm is.
Magnitogre has an alternative to Chesto Resto. Also, now it buffs because we're supposed to be testing its ability to special tank, damnit. We need to see if it can perform its assigned role. Wild Charge isn't needed, we're stacking the deck too much as it is. Wild Charge is in the moveset for the same reason Crawglock is. One pokemon. That's ridiculous. Between Reflect and its SpA it handles the grass starter and any birds that have been picked up along the way.
I wanted to put in Kobalt for debuffs in preparation of Magnitogre's arrival, but I guess that can be saved for the rematch.