Karate family Samuel and Guy have weird stat distributions that are alluded to in their dialogue. Guy calls Samuel his master despite Samuel being a preschooler. The thing is, Samuel and Guy's pokemon actually have evs and ivs that match their claims.
All of the black belts in USUM have 31 attack ivs and adamant natures with black belt Guy being the exception. His machop has 31 hp ivs and 252 hp evs instead of being invested in attack like the other blackbelts. Samuel, the preschooler, instead has a machop with black belt like stats with an adamant nature, 31 ivs in every stat, and 252/252 in attack and speed.
https://pastebin.com/9WdFYnLi331 - Black Belt Guy
Pokemon: 1
Machop (Lv. 21) (Nature: Serious) (Moves: Karate Chop/Leer/(None)/(None)) IVs: 31/0/0/0/0/0 EVs: 252/0/0/0/0/0
332 - Preschooler Samuel
Pokemon: 1
Machop (Lv. 19) (Nature: Adamant) (Moves: Karate Chop/Foresight/(None)/(None)) IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 0/252/0/0/0/252