>>18149705>>18149733>>18149762Fcuk al tree off u
HoleAh, mes ameebahs. SoernGost bakk en haff eh fyu wirds four yoo”
Eye don’t gave a fcuk hoo u ar orr wear u laved. Yoo ken cound en mii two be thaer two brough ure lyfe two a shelfsih and. Eye’ull pat yoo en sow much fcuking pein dat ilt’l maek Jeebs bean knald doo eh kros en my dessert lok like a fcuknig back message en eh tropeeus eyelan. Eye don’t gave eh fcuk ohw menny rapes u hev or how tuff u ar ILR, ohw wel u ken fite, or ohw menny fcuking pewpews u ohn do portekt u’reshelf. E’yell fcking shaw up et u’re hoose wen u are’nt homo. Ey’ell tund al da litghs on en u’re hoose, leaf all dah wadr sprinting, open da frigg door (AH SPOOPEE! ROTUMZ GAT OTTA DERE) end knot clothes et, end turn ure gas stof barnesr on end lat den waist ags. U’rour goeng do strt stretching da fcuk oot, ur blodd presshur well trepl, end u’ll hev a fcuking soern attic. U’ll go two da hopstipal four a hert operashunn, end da last ding u’ll cee wen u’re bean ptu onder en da opearuhting rum es me hoffereng abuv u, drest liek eh sxey nurz. Wen yoo waek mii up befour u gogoat, wandering wat dicking tiem bob-obm es en ure chest weighting two go of. U’ll riicovr fullee frum ur hert sirgary. End wen u wlak oot da fornt doro off da hospital do goo homo, Eye’l ran u ofar with my fcuking kar oot of nowhar liek da sirprize Ogermons, thsu kellen u. Eye jusd wand u two no hwo eezile eye kood fcuking distroi ur pahteticktock ecksyoos off eh lyfe, bud ohw ey’ed danrather go two a grate fucking length two maek shurr u’re last remayneng daze ar spnet en eh levng, breeding fcukegn cell. Eds doo lade doo safe u’reseff, bud dond brother committing sooicyd eethr…E’Yel’l fcuking ressestaint u end kell u agen myslelf u btich-fazed faggot. Welcum two da jongle, poopulashunn: phun en gaymes