Middle of the week thread for people who may be hanging around not doing a whole lot. Let's play some of the DS games together.
>List of Pokemon available on the GTShttps://pkmnclassic.net/gts/How to connect:
>Gen 4You need a WEP or unsecured connection, either open a guest connection on your router and configure it to be WEP or pull out your android phone and change your hotspot to be open with no password then whitelist your console and configure "allowed devices only" to prevent random people connecting to your hotspot. there is no "one size fits all" instruction for this process because everyone's devices are different, you may need to do some research on google to figure out how your device needs to be configured. also apparently iphone users get cucked.
>Gen 5You don't need a WEP/unsecured connection if you're playing on a DSi/3DS console, just configure a regular WPA2 connection in your console settings. if you have a DS/DSLite you will need to connect via the gen 4 method.
Once you've figured out how to set up a connection based on the games you plan to play or console you're using you will need to change your connections DNS to
Other solutions to participate;
>I have a 3DS but no gen 4 or 5 gamesHomebrew your console, install TWiLightMenu, load roms on console and boot in DS mode, set up connection via gen 4 method
>i don't have a console or gamesGet the MelonDS emulator, you can play online with it and connect to PCN
I'm going to be monitoring the thread every once in a while to gauge what people want to do if anyone wants to do anything. I am also throwing up Pokemon on the GTS for Wooper, because I want a whole bunch to fill My Pokemon Ranch up.