>>45847480It's cool to see the effect is the same but man does the stock background ruin it. The 3D background you can get a sense of the move maneuvering and then connecting wheres now the move is fired, teleports to a different dimension to be flashy before suddenly making a beeline for koko. How far apart were they? what purpose did the beams movement serve on it's way to koko? The animation for the attack looks good but the direction betrays it. Though I'm sure there are better animated moments and this one attack is really minor.
>>45847431So you're just confirming you've never watched the show? Alain's battles are like 2% of the battles in the show.. there are far more battles where the animation is cranked up to 11 that don't involve Alain, and that's only counting battles and not things like performances or those little moments like punichan going in bonnie's shirt. Honestly don't get why you criticize a show you've clearly never seen.