>>51273356First post, worst post.
>GrassBulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur Or Sunkern/Sunflora or Roselia/Roserade
>FireCharizard or Infernape or Magmar
>WaterGreninja or Goldeen/Seaking.
>FightingMachamp or Hitmonchan
>ElectricElectrobuzz or Jolteon or Pikachu/Raichu
>GhostHaunter or Gengar or Phantump.
>DragonDragonite (Lmao but fuck this catagory because half the shit that looks like dragons aren't even dragon types. Like Charizard or Dragonite.)
>FairyClefairy/Clefable or Sylveon.
>PsychicMr.Mime or Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam
>SteelSteelix or Magnamite/Magnaton/Magnazone
>RockGeodude/Graverler or Onix
>GroundRyhorn/Rhydon or Sandshrew/Sandslash
>PoisonKoffing/Weezing or Grimer/Muk
>DarkHoundour/Houndoom or Umbreon or Darkrai or Zorua/Zoroark
>BugCatapie/Metapod/Butterfree or Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill (Literally anything from this type could represent it because it has a solid identity)
>FlyingPidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot (Same as above)
>IceAbomasnow or (((Berg)))mite/Avalugg
You're all welcome.