Taking a small break from hosting.
This is my Raidjects box, all 6*'s with 5 perfect IV's that I don't want to make into competitve mons if anyone wants any of these to make competitive mons that would be great, as all I need are Violet exclusives and a Slowking left for my pokedex, NFE Violet exclusives preferred if they aren't paradoxes. Would be nice to touch trade a Miraidon as well if you want two of these guys. I'm also on the hunt for a Shiny Rotom, just reply with what mon you want from the box and make a room with your Post#
>>52350607It doesn't make the user take 2x damage, it Doubles the opponents next attack.
So 3x Galive rush = your opponent hits a sashed or sturdy Host for 6x. Then they counter which doubles the damage you took of a physical move, meaning host hits a 12x Counter on the raidmon