>>56785840>Does your husbandomon have a pokeball or is it a wild pokemon?wild for sure, having him in a pokeball would be granting myself too much power, and be disrespectful, we should see each other as equals, or him as superior to me <3
>If you were to compete in a contest with you husbandomon which category would you enter?I love the idea of entering into a pokemon contest with him!! the idea hadn't even occurred to me! We would probably enter into the category of cleverness, and put on some kind of magic show! very on brand for meowscarada
>What does your ideal day look like with your mon?To me the ideal day is a standard day, making our meals together, enjoying each others company, maybe going for a walk through the woods, and finally some intimate time together to end the day. Just being able to live my life with him like that would make me happy.
>>56789383This is really great advice! although i still wish it wasn't so hard to find sfw art of meowscarada with a female human, or just sfw male meowscarada art at all...