Quoted By:
Aftermath - - 30% if KO by any attack.
Anger Point - +1 Atk (Stamina)
Anticipation - Opponent nature
Battle/Shell Armor - Def/SpDef +1
Corrosion - Poison attacks on steel for 1/2.
Damp - Water Sport effect.
Defeatist - 1/2 Attack and Sp. Atk when HP = 1/3 or less.
Early Bird - Awakens at end of turn.
Emergency Exit - Exits at end of turn
Filter/Solid Rock - -super-effective damage by 1/2
Flower Gift - +1 to all stats of self and allies in sun.
Forecast - Starts random weather and matches form (Sand form too)
Forewarn - Full moveset of opponent.
Friend Guard - - dmg to allies by 50%.
Grass Pelt - +1 Def/SpDef grassy terrain
Healer - Shed Skin
Heatproof - Fire Immunity
Heavy Metal - x2 weight +1 def -1spd
Honey Gather - 100% honey after battle if no item. 1/2 chance sweet scent activates on opponent at end of turn.
Ice Body - 1/8 regen during hail
Illuminate - Frisk clone
Immunity - Immune to psn attacks
Infiltrator - No hazard damage
Inner Focus - No Flinching focus punch.
Iron Fist - Punching moves 50%.
Justified - Dark res
Light Metal - Lighter -1 Def +1 Speed
Limber - Electric res
Liquid Ooze - No dmg from draining moves
Magma Armor - +1 fire/rock/ground moves
Oblivious - No confusion
Overcoat - No status
Own Tempo - Stats can't be lowered
Pickup - Obtains consumed item from opponent.
Quick Feet - x2 speed with status
Rain Dish - 1/8 HP in rain
Rattled - Resist Dark/Ghost/Bug
Reckless - Recoil moves 30%
Rivalry - +1 Atk/Spa = same -1 Atk/Spa = Diff
Run Away - Untrapped
Shed Skin - 50% fix status
Shield Dust - 1/2 dmg moves with effect
Slow Start - 3 turns
Solar Power - Fire absorb hp
Soundproof - 30% sound move
Stall - First in Trick Room
Steadfast - Moves same turn flinch
Stench - 50% Opponent can't attack (Flinch) Reverse Truant
Sticky Hold - No knock off bonus
Water Compaction - 1/2 water dmg
Water Veil - +1 water moves