>>26827650You're not fucking getting it, IV's take too much goddamn time for just stat maxing. Optional or not, it's a part of the game that's critical to player vs player battles. Which the game and company promotes! Hell, most kids and casuals can't even use them because Game Freak DOESN'T EVEN EXPLAIN IV'S OR HOW TO USE THEM.
Getting good IV's is by FAR the worst offender of time usage on that list you made, simply because it's so heavily RNG based. Super Training, Hordes, that shit's easy and won't take long. Proper IV's could take HOURS. I don't know about you, but I'm here to make cartoon super powered monster-animals beat each other up. Getting good enough stats to play with other competent players shouldn't take hours upon hours. People have fucking shit to do.
Also, IV's render play-through Pokemon useless in most pvp battles, and Game Freak shoves "Friendship with your Pokemon!" so far down our collective throats that it's a goddamn phoenix wright level contradiction when bad IV's mean you'd need ANOTHER of the same Pokemon just to battle on an even playing field with competent opponents.
As they currently stand, IV's. Are. SHIT. I'm in 100% agreement with the Anon about something like a Hidden Potential guru that could raise IV's post game. That, or nerf the IV range enough to where it wouldn't matter so fucking much.
Because their current method is flaming dog shit.