>>39218319You need to focus your deck's goal. What are you trying to accomplish? Assuming generic tank hits and trying to win via attrition...
>2-2 Mismagius>2 Lt. Surge>3 Pokegear>1 Frying PanAdd:
>2-2 Honedge/Doublade (making 4-4-2 line)>3 LillieDecide on the last three slots between:
>1 Mt Coronet>1/2 Jirachi>1/2 Basic Energy>1/2 Max Potion>1 GuzmaMismagius + Ultra Balls is a cool trick but I don't know about giving up the prizes when you play both Aegislash and Jirachi.
You could probably play around with Green's Exploration as well if you drop Jirachi, but then you would probably want to drop Escape Boards and play Mismagius. I would slot Green's over Bill's if you do this.
Anything not stall with Lucario & Melmetal seems weird, same for non-tool drop Doublade. Metal is in a bad place right now.
Pic related is a chink list from late March when UBB released.