and I'm not even a nostalgiafag. I honestly prefer the original over it because of how many things they ruined.
>Palette used WAY too many light, goofy colors when the original had this kind of melancholy "cool" palette >Everything looked way too soft and fisherprice>Unskippable tutorials fucking everywhere (how 2 catch pokeyman, how 2 go 2 store, how 2 go 2 daycare durrrr)>Game forced you to do boring segments where you weren't before (tin tower for example)>Everything felt slower despite the fact you could runTwo of the most offensive fuckups were:
>BULLSHIT YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE PLOT FOR NO REASONWhy the fuck do they ALWAYS have to do this? The original was cool because you were just an ordinary kid out to go catch some pokemon. And Lugia and Ho-Oh had this air of mystery to them. You knew they were out there, tucked away in the corner of some room but you actually had to find them. And it wasn't easy to find them, especially Lugia but that's just part of being a pokemon trainer.
Seriously, I know gamefreak thinks it is cinematic or something, but when a legendary just shows up to my front doorstep then it kind of makes it a lot less interesting. Legends shouldn't do that.
>Music being butchered horriblyThis part actually pisses me off the most. They either fucked up the music in two different ways.
>Added 5000 unnecessary instruments so that the original, iconic tune is lost in a sea of synthesizers Original:>Make the original song say too uptune and cheery when the original was meant to have a different feeling to it.Original: