>We had the bad luck of being on de_oceania with Team Xen playing on the Terrorist team.>We were rescued by some hot chick named Telsa, who told us where the lab was. We picked Oshawott and named him Wotter.>We did some fetch quests, met some characters (of varying tolerability), caught some mons (notable ones include Fletchinder, Buizel, Chimecho, Seviper, Stunky, and a GET-spawned Heliofug) and beat the first gym leader, Venam.>After that battle cleared a NPC roadblock, our journey continued into the Obligatory Early Game Forest Area, then went into a cave with Melia, starting the absol counter and having our exit blocked by Team Xen who unleashed a water/ghost type Gyarados recolor bossfight on us, and I got a lifetime supply of demonic sushi.>Then we fought PULSE+ Musharna, realized it was a red herring, and went into a different cave.>We caught Chuckshrew right before we heard that Melia died (due to zubat-transmitted AIDS)>And then there was a dimensional rift city slicker Gavantula that had relatively low defense and a 4x weakness to my Sandshrew's Bulldoze.>We got out of the rift, upset that Melia died of Zubat AIDS, and stayed in Venam's house for at least 5 days. Probably fucked her several times to keep her at least somewhat happy. Hey, has anyone seen BnoKing? We need drawfags and/or writefags in this thread.>Later, after reaching image limit, we're standing on a pier near Gearen City, and Ren has just talked to us about shit that wasn't worth screenshotting.TALLY OF ATROCITY:
Confirmed deaths: 2
Voided: 2?
Bad guys escape somehow: 1
Good guys escape somehow: 2
Absols: 1
Previous Threads: the fuck is this garbage?
>This is Pokemon Rejuvenation, another Pokemon fangame made in RPG maker>It's a long and "hard" fangame, with an even more schizophrenic plot than Reborn.>Who gets used, who we catch, etc. will all be chosen by you, the thread.