>>40126831>>40126970Original dexanon here. I just lost steam once the initial dex was complete. Especially when I realized that the format I had been making the dex in (Excel) was great for organizing the numbers and adding in new forms/megas but godawful for exporting to image. So I took a break on the project and haven't returned to it since. I still want to create a better image. I imagine it as each design being numbered 0000 - 1000 or so, so that we could use it for roll threads or drawthreads. It's just challenging to maximize quality with ~1,000 unique girls in one image. I still look back at the images a lot, and see people posting them in threads, so the project for me isn't forgotten. I had a personal deadline to return to the dex when the Galarian dex is fully revealed, so that we could have another fun thread.