Quick update, things are going worse. Wanted to be clever and protect shenanigans my way through Norman's Slakings with Silky and letting Breloom finish them off, but I badly miscalculated. Norman used his potion quicker than I expected so I switched Healthy into a now fully healed Slaking, panicked and decided to fight it. That left him on slightly over half hp for the fight against Vigoroth, which I figured would be enough if I mega drained to recover, but got oneshot by a critical hit. All in all extremely unnecessary loss because I could've just chosen the simple route and let Jet tank for days which it proved against the second Slaking. Tried too hard to be smart and now poor Healthy is healthy no more..
Bringing back Dish the Lombre to the team for now. I want anti-water coverage, more water types aren't bad in Hoenn and I don't want a second slow frail mixed attacker in Cacnea.
On a bright note, I've taken this Dustox further than my last one, so that's one goal reached this run. Also Wobbuffet is a ton of fun to use.
>>57220423Congrats, love the team! Was Porygon useful in FRLG?
>>57218269Sounds like your average Drayano nuzlocke.
>>57218009I'm keeping Wurmple as catchable in later games if only one of the two makes it, but I think because of the random aspect having only one count is fair.
>>57217715Honestly if you're investing that much time in it I think it's fine, just a little loophole.
>>57216289Congrats bro! Very cool team even with the changes and lovely to see you give Perl that respect. How will you count the champs though, based on the E4 team, the Steven team or both?