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Okay friends, imagine you are a wealthy planter in the pokemon world. Tell us what your pokemon plantation would be like. Tell us about your...
>What crops you grow (can be actual plants or plant pokemon)
>What your big mansion is like
>What kind of slaves you keep and the jobs they do
>Name of your glorious plantation
>Any other fun ideas you'd like to add
Remember, this is just for fun and imagination, don't take it too seriously! It'll be fun, we'll all pretend to be Southern Dandies together!
My plantation:
>We grow Whimsicotts, the classic
>Mansion is big and white on top of a hill, has a bigass dome shaped foyer, a wing for the family and a wing for guests and storage. Kitchen is quiet large.
>Slave Leavanny work the fields caring for the Whimsicotts until it is time to harvest (kill) them. Scizors do the harvesting and heavy lifting. There is a Klingklang we keep in a shed that we put the dead Whimsicotts through to separate seeds from the fluff. Overseers are all Growlithe and Houndour. House servants are mostly Leavanny. When guests are over I make all the slave pokemon wear little hats and overalls to look classier.
>Welcome to Whimsifluff Estate!