>>54853688>Only if its written by the loser self inserter still seething over nobody noticing him on highschool.Why are you projecting your shit life onto others? Jealous much, thirdie NEET? Still desperately overcompensating with "Real man", where you are afraid to admit that Alain is one?
Here's a truth you probably will gag on because it's too big for your feeble greasy throat and too real for your lobotomized smooth-brained gray cells from wasting so much time and tears on shitting your pants over a fictional character:
Nothing you posted in the last 7 years and in the future has any value. Your parents always looked at that one pack of condoms from their happier days and regret the time they didn't make their money's worth by putting on the protection. If they manage to outlive you despite all the years of agony knowing of your existence and having the basic human decency to keep your lump of trash existence alive, they will grin big time with bliss and a sense of freedom when they hear of your meaningless death. Nobody in real life who is in close proximity to you is happy and you post those stupid inane projection, lies and copes to please yourself in a fake reality to ignore the looks of disgust upon your abomination state of living.
Real man don't listen to the petty rants of a manchild like that equal to the temper and jealousy of a five year old.
Alain won 7 years ago because he is the stronger trainer
The trAsh is shit and gets mogged by Misty, the true champion.
And this is the truth.
>>54853759>M-more accomplishmentOh, is this a shitty bark I hear from your ESL-loaded mouth? You call getting pitied an accomplishment? Is this how you scrapped by through pity like a leech sucking off the droplets of another life? The best pity for you would be your skull getting caved in after getting gangraped by a bunch of man wearing your self-inserts mask so that the last thing you will see is the very thing you've wasted your pointless existence on.