>>31167316Someone had the idea of you and your partner being under the wing of a guildmaster, and then you become in-charge of the guild after he or she retires. (I think anon's idea was the guildmaster beign Drampa.) Perhaps giving the player the guild to run will allow him or her to make additions and upgrades like with Pokemon Paradise in GtI.
The most starters that a MD game ever had was 22 (in Sky). The only issue I see development-wise with lots of starters is dialogue faces and maybe some animations.
I think MD needs to make the "big bad thing that must be stopped" somewhat small once in a while. It wouldn't kill to have the antagonist be a legitimately bad person who is "normal" power-wise. Why not just make the next game a series of adventures that your team goes on? There can be a climax that involves you and some warlord or something.
(Spoiler image contains spoilers for every game except Super)