>>37988798Now where does Greninja fit into this niche? Its entire being, its defense, its breadwinning, its essence of living is composed of the practice and execution of deceit, subterfuge, falsehood, ruse, craft, stealth, substitution, takumi blocking, and of subtle weapons of Shuriken and blade. Its essence is the wilderness. Any acquiescing, any socialization with the outside elements, any attempts to step out of the shadows to attack directly, to converse, or to attempt to order the world around them would be fatal to their very constitution. Thus their actions are inscribed into their very blood and conscience, and any straying from them in any situation, however artificial, will lead to great discomfort, irritability, and failure, for they must lack the capacity to obtain such heights of thinking and of reasoning.
It is pure romanticism to suppose that the supporter and apologist for Greninja can have the virtue without the soil from which it springs. You cannot have your cake and eat it. Greninja may long in vain for the virtues which belong to the Pokémon that stands aloof from the jungle struggle, if they actually participate in that struggle. And to suppose that mere precept and education will cultivate these virtues in them, if they do not possess, or have not practiced them for generations, is to suppose that the Liepard can by a course of training change his spots in a single generation.