>>53918434>Tbh I want to play healers, it's just I get impossible difficulty games and if I don't play a hyper carry or allrounder, idk, my team just doesn't do damageYeah I explain my thoughts on it here.
>>53918469is not me. Idk I think there is some kind of flag that gets triggered if you perform too well. I want to say that I didn't get that problem after I spent some time away from the game and you certainly do not see it on a new account until you start doing too well but its hard to say because on new accounts the players are so bad and you'll still run into a similar problem. I think the game or algo can detect smurfs to some extent as I would regularly get matches where my team would consist of players with 200 or 100 or even less matches played vs 3k 4k but below 50% WR players.
Idk I think trying to play supporters that do not deal a lot of damage or maybe even healing can maybe help some but I am unsure of how effective that is. But it certainly doesn't hurt.
>>53918494You could try that on your main and see if it helps. but I have to admit winning matches on my second account is far easier I believe but again I do not play many matches after going into master rank with it