>>18851614>>What was your first Pokemon Game?Silver
>>Who is your favourite Character?Steven
>>What is your favourite Pokemon? Scizor
>>Which is your favourite Gen or Region, and why?4th Gen had a huge upgrade to the battling system, but my favorite region was LG/FR Kanto, with the Seven Islands and such
>>What do you like best about the Region or Gen that was least appealing to you?Johto had a lack of diversity of landscapes compared to the other regions, it just felt like it was all plains with some mountains. Having only recently played Gen 1 for the first time, it just feels empty. I get that I missed the point of nostalgia that most people have but I just cant play Red and Blue.
>>What is currently keeping you interested or playing Pokemon?I go on showdown a lot because I like building teams. I also like fan roms and sometimes watch the show