I was making a Chandelure chain at the same time as the other guy and it also ended up with R attack costs. How about that. Not hybrid though, just meant as a P attacker for R decks.
>>24740618Bayleef's Ability is more useful for other cards' effects than its own attack. That's neither here nor there.
Meganium has too much HP. 110-120 is appropriate. Wake-Up-Whip is insane and would be undercosted at GGG.
>>24740614>We want every card to be usable yes but it doesn't take a card to have a paragraph-long effect that spins the game completely on it's ass when even something that just has sensible energy costs and damage and maybe a special condition can be at the very least effective.This is why I recommend using Pokecard. It's hard to go overboard with simple tools.