>>20641402>"Hey, sonny! Never forget the MOST important thing about chain fishing! Never. EVER move from your spot UNTIL you get a bite--DON'T FORGET THAT, if you move, YOU'LL BREAK YOUR CHAIN MAN. Don't move until you get a bite to keep your chain up, NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES. Trust me, I should know this, I'm over two-hundred years old."You take a deep breath, that old fuck's words are still in your head, "Right, right, that old schlick's right.. I have to be calm, gotta stop moving... I have to be one with the water that's one with me.."
He thinks he's hot shit, and you know what, in retrospect it's probably well-deserved. That guy gave you a tip AND a Super Rod for free and asked for nothing but a bottle of Moomoo Milk in return.
You have lots of milk and there's really no reason that needs to be explained.
>Tip: Don't move, don't break your chain faggot! >Exactly what are you fishing for, though?A) A 'mon that's commonplace and generic just to feel better about yourself.
B) A 'mon that's uncommon, not too rare, but not too easily found.
C) A 'mon that's so rare that catching it would garner insane amounts of attention.
D) The -definition- of impossibility.