>>38875864And while I don't disagree with what you're saying either, ultimately for better or worse there has to be A system that exists, just as how there has to be some sort of innate spiritual concept that exists to soothe the soul of humans who continue to drown in their infinite freedom. If you do not create one someone else will regardless of how much you try to suppress them from doing so. Should we all serve as eternal rebels to any and all concrete systems of comfort or control because of their inherent flaws and contradictions? After all, what we create is only truly as flawed as our mental capacity and thought processes are.
I suppose my ultimate argument is simply that nihilism achieves nothing because it IS nothing. Lay down and wait to die if you wish, the maggots that will feed on your corpse will think nothing of the inherent contradictions of being forced to eat your flesh to sustain theirs. This world and all within it are infinitely flawed, but we should simply strive to make it better and to suffer in dignity when we inevitably cannot. Spiritually circumcising people by forcing them to accept the truth that Vaporeon puss has no inherent meaning past pointless raw animal pleasure achieves nothing when the time could be better spent by teaching those people that they should come up with their own reason for wanting to cum inside it.