>>28261854>I'm on my way home after school, on the bus and playing some Platinum>some guy sits next to me>he's about 17>watches me play and keeps telling me how much he loves Pokemon>we start talking a bit>he leaves the bus at the same stop as me>we keep talking about Pokemon>he asks me if I caught Arceus already>I say no, he takes my DS to show me how to get it>he actually fucking puts it in his pocket and grins at me like an asshole>"if you want it back you have to do something for me">don't know what he wants but I want my game and DS back>reluctantly follow him to the entrance of a forest>he pulls his pants down>i_need_an_adult.jpeg>he forces me to suck his dick and make Pokemon noises and act like a Pokemon, specifically Eevee>faggot forces me to swallow, then gives me back my DS but not the game>before I can try to get the game back he runs>next day I see him again, tell him to give me back my game>"I'll give it back, but you know what to do first"go to the same place again
>again, he forces me to suck him off and make noises>he finally gives me the game>I run away as fast as I canI never told anyone about it. This faggot made me hate Eevee too, but I still like most of its evolutions. On top of all this shit he deleted my save file.