okay well i tried the insanely cracked strat of sleep talk + imprison on the slowbro
problem is, it just wakes up every 2 turns and kills one of aelita's team
and the other puppet master targets aelita too
gonna need to think about this one some more
the fact that the slowbro starts off with +2 in both special stats and basically a free reflect is troubling because i don't really know how to kill it quickly, and it seems to be too big of a threat
at least i have confirmation they are not actually one trainer, and thus there is a chance i can focus down one twin quickly enough to turn it into a 2v1 with aelita
>>54050632yeah, unfortunately the modder kind of accounted for that
just really need to find a way to shut down that slowbro. maybe topsy turvy from malamar? idk