>News/Important Info -PKHex now has a version out with new features.
-PCHex is being taken over by Slashcash in the form of PCHex++ (currently can't be used for editing, so use the original for now.)
-NNID login is kill on 10.1 or below. eShop spoof only on 10.2 or if you do not have a NNID set in your 3DS. There's a guy in GBAtemp apparently working on something, take with a grain of salt until proof:
https://gbatemp.net/threads/403913/ -HOW TO UPDATE TO 10.3 FOR OOT3DHAX/IRONHAX USERS
http://pastebin.com/jVH1wCTg >Homebrew Flowchart, what can I do at x.x 3DS version, etc, also contains useful links (CHECK THIS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS)
http://i.imgur.com/1Z5xMn9.png (10.2 and 10.3 have the same hax compatibility, although with different payloads)
(if you're at <=9.2 and want to do kernel/CFW stuff I recommend first going to
>>>/vg/hbg instead)
>Read before requesting Pokémon
http://pastebin.com/f7gZhpU3 >PKHeX directly on the 3DS throught Homebrew Launcher (WIP)
http://gbatemp.net/threads/405302/ >PHBank, free Pokébank alternative
https://gbatemp.net/threads/398718/ >Homebrew Instalation, has instructions to install all main *hax's
https://gbatemp.net/threads/395652/ Smealum's site:
http://smealum.github.io/3ds/ >What is this
Inject Pokemon into your XY/ORAS game using the Homebrew Launcher.
>What do I need
Any XY/ORAS game.
A PC with a SD adapter.
A way to access homebrew.
>Instructions on how to inject and general info (DON'T BE A LAZY FAGGOT, READ THIS)
http://pastebin.com/SYAcZLNQ http://pastebin.com/FWSxVMue (for web exploit users)
>For ROM-hacking stuff
http://pastebin.com/zmH9KsGd >Filter these tripcodes
(Anyone who tries to trick you into going to /wfg/ for injected mons)
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