>>41021926What really sunk my heart was being happy after Tsunekazu Ishihara claimed that this game would be more desgined to old fans of the pokemon series, then at E3 Masuda saying they wouldn't include all the Pokemons... I coped with is saying to myself well, there's no way they wouldn't include the majority and only eliminate some forgetable pokemons like Volbeat or Dunsparce (which is still pretty bad, but easier to deal with), but only including 400 confirmed and a few more? This whole culmination was really sad to me. The worst part is, I pre-ordered the Dual Pack right after the Zacian and Zamazenta announcement trailer (the one where they introduced wooloo) and when I tried to cancel my pre-order a week ago (after I saw the Leaks confirming only 400 and close to no post-game content) and the store has a no returns policy. So I'm stuck with 100€ worth of bottled up sadness and disappointment. I do like some of the newer desgins for the new pokemon, but almost everything looks like fucking Crabominable from Sun & Moon, it's like they designed most of Gen8 pokemon based on the shit that is Crabominable.
Why must we suffer this much? We already gave feedback regarding what we want and I believe it's not asking much to have a good game content and not cutting pokemons out from the games... Lot's of other game devolopers are light years ahead of GameFreak and don't have 1/10 of the money GameFreak has...
Loving Pokemon is disapponting anguish