>>38995697>The online outrage is coming from us and reddit and various other pokemon places which are all INTEREST HUBSwhat an absolute tranny level response, there's 40k of you crying about this. You couldn't be any more worthless and irrelevant if you tried, 40k is a drop in the bucket compared to the 20 million who are going to buy the game.
The game is in the top 10 for pre-orders around the globe despite being 6 months off, which is something that never happens.
>You're currently posting in multiple threads calling everyone tranny incel or whatever limited vocabulary you have>Unironic paranoid tranny thinks it's 1 personImagine being such a loser lmao
You're clearly in those threads even when I'm not since you're the one bringing them up. Why are you getting so triggered by people dragging you back to reality from your deluded tranny mind of thinking everyone hates Gamefreak when it's just an extremely small minority of people?
Your attempts at outrage have amounted to nothing, the pre-order sales are already enormous despite the game being half a year away lmao