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I am going to get a lot of shit for this. I do not care.
>All his Pokemon are high 90s instead of mid 80s. He should also have better AI than even the E4, maybe even some hold items to make things that much harder. I don't want to go full Smogon tryhard, but having the final boss of the game be a cut above the rest isn't too out there.
>Articuno is the lead, is there to act as a "pleb filter" for shock value. You talk to the random guy on Mt. Silver, he whips out a level 96 legendary that immediately rapes your whole team with Hail-boosted Blizzards. Shit just got real.
>Zapdos is here instead of Pikachu. I get it, he's the mascot, but Red is supposed to be the best of the best and the guy that caught 'em all. He wouldn't have an NFE when he can have a legendary bird instead.
>Moltres is there to replace Charizard for largely the same reason. You could also substitute it for Entei since he was a roamer in FRLG, but I do like the bird synergy.
>Venusaur is here because that's the starter Red picked in the manga.
>Weavile is here to take advantage of permahail and to show that Red is still catching and training new Pokemon. It can be the weakest link on the team, maybe level 93 or so, but it should still be stupidly strong.
>Mew is here as the final boss's ace, at level 99. I was debating putting Mewtwo here instead, but I decided it against it because there's only one, I like that it's catchable in HGSS, and Mew's 100 base stats across the board is nothing to scoff at. Lots of coverage options - thinking Psychic, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, and Earthquake.