>>55554428Finished reading this masterpiece of an intro.
From start to finish I was fully immersed in reading Cider's journey, the quality of writing is excellent. It's obvious that a lot of effort and passion was put into this piece and it shows by how "real" the story feels to the reader.
Maybe it's because of the journal-style writing, or maybe it's just plain good writing, but Cider as a character has so much soul. I think this is mostly because of how much of his personality shines through his personal writings on his journal. Things like how he idolizes Wigglytuff's guild, other characters, or just all the little quirks like he was calling Lliam "Lee-yam". It's also lovely how humorous he is on his journal.
>So she wants me to deliver something to one of her friends. “Friendly Rival,” I think was the actual words, but honestly? If you’re “friendly rivals” for more than three months, you’re not rivals, you’re probably just some weird couple.FUCKING KEK
and also, based. They would make the best hate-couple 8)
The world itself is fantastically described, I loved the narration of each place Rowlet visited, especially of Capim Town's ghetto hahaha. Also, the use of Pokemon expressions throughout the story was so imaginative!! Things like how when he heard Clover's humon talk, he described it as
>things you’d hear from an Xatu after hitting it with Confuse RaySimply amazing.
continued next post