>>40041110>Likewise, people will form their opinions on generations not from gameplay or region, but often times based purely on the designs of the new PokemonI do that.
I've straight up admitted to doing that every time people have asked me what I value most from Pokemon games.
See as far as I'm concerned, there's very little gameplay elements that seperate each of the games and I've played through from gen 1 to gen 7 RECENTLY while doing an autismlock so every game from every gen is fresh in my mind.
Pokemon plays the fucking same so how people can use gameplay as their defining feature and claim that one game is far superior to another is beyond me.
Pokemon designs are my number one thing I look for in the new games though. I try to use new Pokemon each gen but I straight up want the option to capture older Pokemon on the off chance that I dislike every new Pokemon currently available to me at that point in the game.
Like it or not but playing with a team that you legitimately do not find aesthetically pleasing is not enjoyable. If you don't want to use said Pokemon you're not going to enjoy the game. That's why I don't like gen 5. The first 3/4 of the game is by and large filled with Pokemon that I do not like. Even in BW2s case, I still don't like the game because although I can indeed capture old Pokemon, which is an improvement over the first game I still don't really get anything from the games because I am running around with a near enough full team of old Pokemon which is disappointing in its own right. I usually switch some of them out late game for some unova pokemon but its too little too late.