Welcome to GottaCatch, where I serve as the host and you decide what moves I use in our quest to catch all of Showdown.
>First chat post of the turn decides the move>If Pokémon Trainer KOs a Pokémon with Fling, then that Pokémon is captured and then that Pokémon will be used from now on in the team.>To prevent the opponent predicting our moves, we use numbers according to where the move is. You can figure this our in the pastebin.>If a Pokémon is captured when the Party is full, then it will be transported to a Box>If a Pokemon KOs something in LC, it will be queued to evolve when it reaches the next tier>If an NFE Pokémon KOs a Pokémon, then that Pokémon will evolve and its evolution will be used in the next battle. This is stacked if the Pokémon KOs two Pokémon in one battle>After capturing a new Pokemon, the thread will decide its set. It will decide its moveset, nickname, item, ability, EV spread, and nature. Only one move per post, and only one area per post.>>>>MOST IMPORTANT RULE: Don't act stupid in chat. This means don't make the opponent think we're Marilland or Shofu, and don't spam. We should keep things civil. If they ask what's going on, simply explain what we're doing. We're not a secret club.Alright, heading to LC. Let's build our Charmander.