Pokédoko is the all new weekly Pokémon variety show replacing Pokénchi, starring Abareru-kun, Ryogo Matsumaru, Hikaru Takahashi and Shoko Nakagawa
>Connect 10, the Game That Lets Us Learn Pokémon Names with Fukazawa-kun! / R-1 Grand Prix Champion "Sendoff Entertainer Shinichi"'s Personal Pokémon Melody / Nakaoka from Lotti's SkillToday's guests: Boy band member Tatsuya Fukazawa and comedians Soichi Nakaoka, Sendoff Entertainer Shinichi and Dekita-kun
Stream at:
http://ok.ru/videoembed/3872026533492 Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38OHI-oFT2U >Let's learn Pokémon names with Fukazawa-kun by playing Connect 10!>We also get R-1 Grand Prix champion "Sendoff Entertainer Shinichi"'s personal Pokémon melody and Nakaoka from Lotti's Skill! >Summary:>It's a cyclone of laughter at Pokésugo Plaza?! R-1 Grand Prix champion "Sendoff Entertainer Shinichi" is performing an exclusive Pokémon skit! He's just like Arceus?! What is the true identity of the man that creates Pokémon, the one that delighted Fukazawa-kun from Snow Man so much?!>We also get "Pokémogu", the cooking segment where we'll make cute Pokémon dishes!